Die David Ross Education-trust ontwikkel 'n tegnologiekundige gemeenskap met Chromebooks en Google vir Onderwys

The ‘aha’ moment for us was when we held our first IT training session for teachers. Three brave 11-year-old students volunteered to conduct the training, and we were all moved by their level of confidence and authority when talking about technology. They had thought of new ways to use Google Apps that we’d never thought of before.

Guy Shearer, hoof van IT by DRET


DRET moes nadink oor hoe om IT uit te brei in skole met beperkte hulpbronne. Die meeste skole wat by DRET aangesluit het, het Windows-gebaseerde tafelrekenaars en iPads gehad wat in rekenaarlaboratoriums toegesluit is. Rekenaarwerk is dikwels as 'n aparte vak hanteer wat nie deel van die kernkurrikulum was nie. Dit het baie onderwysers en studente sonder entoesiasme gelaat. "Die uitdaging was om 'n laekostemetode te vind om meer toegang tot tegnologie aan studente te bring, op 'n manier wat meer natuurlik deel van die klaskamer is, in plaas van in isolasie in rekenaarlaboratoriums waar studente dalk net uur spandeer," sê Guy Shearer, hoof van IT by DRET.


After several successful pilots, Shearer and his team began setting up Google Apps accounts and Chromebooks at schools. So far, DRET has deployed 3,000 Google Apps accounts and 500 Chromebooks at 13 schools, and plans to double this by the end of the year. The Trust are now rolling out Google Apps accounts to everyone in the DRET community.