Set Up and Deploy New Version

After saving your app data, the next step is to replace your current Course Builder software with the latest version. Download the latest version and then use the Google App Engine Launcher or the command line to re-deploy your upgraded app.

These instructions assume that you want to keep the location of your root Course Builder directory the same.

The steps are similar to the original set up and deployment. If you need help with these steps, review the first-time set-up instructions for setting up Course Builder and deploying your app.

  1. Move your current Course Builder directory to a new location. (This step is only necessary if you want the location of your new Course Builder to be the same as your old Course Builder. If not, you can leave your old version where it is and put the new one somewhere else.)
  2. Download and unzip the latest version of Course Builder.
  3. If you made any changes to CSS, JavaScript, or template files, manually transfer those changes to the new assets directory.
  4. Open the new app.yaml and change the application value to your project ID.

Deploy from command line

  1. From the same Course Builder root directory, use the command (which comes as part of your Python Google App Engine SDK) to update your datastore indices by typing (do not forget the period at the end): update_indexes .
  2. Deploy the new app by typing (make sure to add the period at the end): -A YOUR_APP_NAME update .

If you have authentication issues, ensure you have set up your OAuth2 credentials properly.

Deploy from Launcher

Alternatively, instead of using the command for deploying, you can use the GAE Launcher if you’re on Mac or Windows:

  1. Open GAE Launcher and remove the current application (which uses the previous version of Course Builder).
  2. Add the new application as an existing application (File > Add New Existing application).
  3. Deploy the app (Control > Deploy).

At this point, you can visit your site to confirm that the new app is deployed. If you have no back up to upload, you’re done with upgrading. Otherwise, go to the final step of uploading saved data to the new version of Course Builder.