
To increase your course’s enrollment, you can allow students to provide email addresses of people they think should consider enrolling in the course. These people will be sent an invitation email whose template you prepare ahead of time.

If you turn on invitations, students will see an Invite Friends line in their Progress tab. Clicking this link will reveal a text field where students can enter the email addresses of people to be invited.

Turn On Invitations

  1. Go to Settings > Invitations to turn on invitations.

  2. Check Allow Invitations.

Prepare Invitation Email

Turning on Allow Invitations reveals three fields about the invitation email:

Invitation Origin Email

Enter the email address that the invitation should come from. Because this email is sent through Google App Engine, it must be a valid sender address for your App Engine account.

If you are the Google account owner who created the cloud project where your Course Builder app lives, then your email address is automatically a valid sender address.

If not, you must ask the owner of the cloud project to add you as a project member. For sending emails, it does not matter which level of permissions you have as a member. The email address for any member on the project can be used as the sender of the invitation email. Learn about adding members to your Google cloud project.

Invitation Subject Line

Enter the text for the subject line of the invitation. To personalize the email, use {{sender_name}} to stand in for the name of the student who is recommending the course.

Invitation Body

Enter the text for the body of the invitation. To personalize the email, use {{sender_name}} to stand in for the name of the student who wants is recommending the course.