Get Started

If you are planning to make changes to Course Builder itself, then you will need to work with the Course Builder source and work on the included development server. You may also want to deploy to App Engine.

1. Clone the Source Repo

The repository for the Course Builder source is at

2. Start the Development Server

Open a command prompt and change directory to where you cloned the repository. You should see a coursebuilder directory.

From coursebuilder/ run the following script:

prompt> sh ./scripts/ -f -s

The first time you run this script, you will see many output messages as Course Builder downloads and installs the necessary dependencies. Some of these provide the AppEngine runtime environment. Others are library files used by CourseBuilder itself. The initial downloads should take a few minutes. Subsequent start-ups will be much quicker.

After the downloads, you will see status messages from the development version of the web server. When you start to see messages looking like this

INFO     2015-03-03 19:39:31,761] Starting module "default" running at:
INFO     2015-03-03 19:39:31,767] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:8000
INFO     2015-03-03 19:39:36,337] default: "GET /_ah/warmup HTTP/1.1" 302 -

then the server is up and ready to take requests.

The application will be available at http://localhost:8081 and the AppEngine developer admin site will be at http://localhost:8000.

Deploying to App Engine

If you want to deploy your Course Builder app to App Engine, you will need to

  1. create a cloud project
  2. deploy to App Engine from the command line