
Links have two common uses:

  • linking to external material relevant to the course
  • hosting online office hours using Google Hangouts On Air

Add a Link

In the course outline, click Add Link.

On the Link details page, there are two required fields:

  • Enter a Title to specify the name to be shown in the syllabus.
  • Enter the URL where the link should point. Be sure to include http:// or https:// at the beginning of the URL.

You can change the details of an existing link by selecting its name in the outline.

Note that, by default, a new link is appended to the end of the course outline. To change its position, click the reorder icon and drag the link to the desired place in the outline.

Links for Online Office Hours

To offer office hours online, add a link that points to a scheduled Google Hangout On Air.

Learn about creating and hosting Hangouts On Air.

Consider posting an announcement to remind students of your office hours. If you have a smaller group (<10 people), you can host a traditional video Hangout instead.