Use Course Builder Analytics
Course Builder comes with built-in analytics that you can use to examine how your course is doing and where you can improve it. You need to turn on billing and Cloud Storage Buckets before you can start examining the available analytics in the dashboard’s Manage menu.
Turn on Cloud Storage Bucket
- Enable billing to use Cloud Storage Buckets.
- Go to your Google Developers Console, which is outside of Course Builder,.
- At the top lefthand corner, click to open the main console navigation (navigation drawer).
- Scroll through the list and select Storage.
- Click Create bucket.
- Create a unique name for your bucket.
- Keep Storage class at its default.
- Choose a preferred Location or keep the default location.
Available Analytics
Open the Manage menu in the dashboard and select from the following options:
- Assessments
- Certificates
- Clustering
- Enrollments
- Gradebook
- Notifications
- Questions
- Skill competencies
- Skill map
- Students
- Peer review assignments
Disable Student Analytics
The student analytics setting is enabled by default. If you are cost sensitive, you can disable it.
- Go to Settings > Course.
- Uncheck Enable Student Analytics.
Also consider the Removal Policy setting. This setting specifies whether you will continue to store student event data after a student has unenrolled from the course.