Prepare for Students

Course Builder has several features that help you prepare and manage your course.

These features are found in the dashboard’s Settings menu:

  • Registration - customize your course’s registration page and prepare a welcome email for registered students
  • Certificates - set up criteria for successfully completing the course and earning a certificate
  • Invitations - prepare an email that registered students can send to invite other people to register for the course
  • Forum - set up a Google Group to enhance the course and invite students ask questions and discuss material

This feature is in the dashboard’s Manage menu:

  • Announcements - create and release news items about your course. These items will be posted to the Announcements tab in the course navigation bar.

These features are found in the dashboard’s Publish menu:

  • Search - kick off the indexing of your course so that students will be able to search its contents
  • Translations - translate your course into other languages

In addition, learn about hosting online office hours or a small group video-conference.