Create Components

If you want a component that is not currently available, you can create your own. To add a custom component, you must:

  • create a method to render the new component
  • define the component schema
  • create an icon that represents your component

Your custom definitions should reside in the following directory: extensions/tags/<custom_name>/.

All the official Course Builder supplied components are in the gcb/ directory. All component definitions must be defined in the file.

Define the Component

In your new tags/ directory, you must create your to define the components. You may want to copy over extensions/tags/gcb/ It may be quicker to edit an existing, working file.

In addition to importing the libraries and creating a definition that forces the transaction over HTTPS, all of which you should keep, you see one class per component. The following example shows the YouTube class.

class YouTube(tags.BaseTag):

    def name(cls):
        return'YouTube Video'

    def render(self, node):
        video_id = node.attrib.get('videoid')
        you_tube_url = (
            '?feature=player_embedded&rel=0') % video_id
        iframe = cElementTree.XML("""
<p class="gcb-video-container">
  <iframe class="youtube-player" title="YouTube Video Player"
    type="text/html" width="650" height="400" frameborder="0"
        iframe[0].set('src', you_tube_url)
        return iframe

    def get_icon_url(self):
        """Return the URL for the icon to be displayed in the rich text editor.

        Images should be placed in a folder called 'resources' inside the main
        package for the tag definitions."""

        return '/extensions/tags/gcb/resources/youtube.png'

    def get_schema(self, unused_handler):
        """Return the list of fields which will be displayed in the editor.

        This method assembles the list of fields which will be displayed in
        the rich text editor when a user double-clicks on the icon for the tag.
        The fields are a list of SchemaField objects in a FieldRegistry
        container. Each SchemaField has the actual attribute name as used in the
        tag, the display name for the form, and the type (usually string)."""
        reg = schema_fields.FieldRegistry(
            schema_fields.SchemaField('videoid', 'Video Id', 'string',
            description='Provide YouTube video ID (e.g. Kdg2drcUjYI)'))
        return reg

The name method is defined in those cases where the class name is different than the name the users see. For example, the class name is YouTube but users will see “YouTube Video.” This function is optional.

The render method defines how to display the component. The cElementTree.XML() function sanitizes the HTML you define before it is outputted to the page.

The get_icon_url method displays the icon in the lesson body. Create a directory called resources/ in your new component directory and place the icon there. For example, extensions/tags/custom/resources/iframe.png.

The get_schema method defines what parameters the user must supply to construct the component. For YouTube videos, it is the video ID.

  • reg registers the property that you will need for you new component.
  • Add your component properties through reg.add_property().