Bridgeport Middle School, nestled in the hills of Jackson County, Alabama, is surrounded by a close-knit community that has supported the school and its students for generations. “We get a ton of community support from people who don’t have a vested interest in terms of having kids or grandkids as our students. A lot of people just want to see our school succeed,” says Principal Jonathan Colvin. Along with honoring the tradition that surrounds his school, Principal Colvin is also committed to ensuring that his students are ready to face the future, especially when it comes to using technology.
At the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year, Principal Colvin brought the Dynamic Learning Project (DLP) to his school with the hope of closing the digital gap between teachers and students. “As educators, we are here to educate today’s young people,” he says. “As they are digital natives, it’s our job to meet them where they are.”
The Dynamic Learning Project equips coaches in participating schools with the knowledge and skills needed to help teachers transform their practices in the classroom. Principal Colvin tapped Shannon McClain, a former science teacher, as their school’s technology instructional coach.