Check for missing citations quickly and easily with originality reports
Originality reports use the power of Google Search to help students properly integrate external inspiration into their writing – while making it easy for instructors to check for potential plagiarism.
Help teachers quickly assess authenticity
Compare student work against hundreds of billions of web pages and over 40 million books with a single click
Highlight potential plagiarism and link to external sources within your marking interface
Get answers quickly, and avoid manually searching for web matches
Help student to hand in their best work
Enable students to check their own work for recommended citations up to three times before submitting
Help students learn to build on outside ideas and properly incorporate them into their work
Run originality reports in multiple languages.
Backfill results for your school’s corpus of work in originality reports.
Compare student work without compromising privacy
Compare student-to-student matches against your domain-owned repository of past work when you sign up for the Teaching and Learning or Google Workspace for Education Plus
Admins can add or delete files from the school repository manually
You always own your data – it’s our responsibility to keep it more secure
Support for Microsoft Word documents in originality reports.
Learn about access to originality reports
Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals
Instructors using Classroom and Assignments in Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals can enable up to five originality reports per class at no cost.
Teaching and Learning and Education Plus
Instructors with the Teaching and Learning or Education Plus licences get unlimited originality reports and the ability to make student-to-student comparisons on your domain-owned repository of past submissions.
Explore resources to get up and running
Discover helpful resources to assist you with originality reports and get helpful answers to common questions on originality reports.
Originality reports overview
Learn more about originality reports for educators and students.
How to use originality reports
This tutorial shows how you and your students can use originality reports.
Originality reports help
Explore helpful answers to common questions on originality reports.
Originality reports and privacy
Learn how originality reports protect the privacy of all users, adhering to rigorous compliance standards.
Use originality reports with Classroom
Access originality reports through Classroom, a tool that helps students and teachers organise assignments, boost collaboration and foster better communication.
Use originality reports with Assignments
Do you have another learning management system? Access originality reports through Assignments, an add-on application for your LMS to distribute, analyse and mark student work.