In July 2017, Kelli Coons and her principal, Tucker Hamrick, sat down to envision their goals for the Dynamic Learning Project (DLP) at Landrum Middle School in Landrum, SC. Together, they recognized the importance of having school innovation goals that were realistic and student-centered. Their goals were to encourage teachers to use technology as a tool to accommodate student needs and inform instruction, as well as to give students ownership over their personal learning goals through local and global learning networks. As teachers further integrate technology into their lessons, their efforts reflect the efficacy of digital tools in the classroom, which empowers both teachers and students.
As she started on her DLP journey, Kelli soon realized the benefits of the program’s focus on personalization. This method allows both the coach and teacher to discuss various challenges, select a specific challenge to address, brainstorm strategies to combat the challenge, implement the suggested solutions, and reflect on what worked and what didn’t.