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Privacy & Security Center

Google is committed to building products that help protect student and teacher privacy and provide best-in-class security for your institution.

Four things to know

Google takes security seriously, with industry-leading safeguards and privacy policies that put you in control of your school’s data. Here’s how you know that students and educators are protected.


We keep your data secure

Schools own their data—it’s our responsibility to keep it secure. Google builds and operates our own secure servers and platform services, and we make it easy for administrators to monitor and manage data security. Watch video.


There are no ads in Google Workspace for Education core services

There are no ads in Google Workspace for Education core services, and students’ personal information won’t be used to create ad profiles for targeting. Watch video.


Google supports compliance with industry regulations and best practices

Our services support compliance with privacy and security requirements. Independent organizations have audited our services, ensuring our data protection practices meet demanding standards. Watch video.


You have clear information about Google’s privacy and security policies

Google is committed to transparency about our data collection policies and practices. The Google Workspace for Education Privacy Notice and Google Workspace Agreement explain our contractual obligations to protect your data. Watch video.

Google Workspace for Education and Chromebooks support compliance with rigorous standards

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    FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)

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    The Software & Information Industry Association

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    COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998)

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    Student Privacy Pledge introduced by the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF)

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    ISO/IEC 27018:2014 (Data standards)

Read and share information about how Google products keep your data secure

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Privacy and security FAQs

Find answers to common questions about how Google protects your privacy and keeps your data safe.

Google Workspace for Education

Chromebooks for Education

More information

Additional services

Schools can control whether students or teachers can use additional Google consumer services with their Google Workspace accounts. We are committed to ensuring that K-12 student personal information is not used to target ads in these services, and in some cases we show no ads at all.

Most Additional Services are governed by the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and some services may also have service-specific terms.

We allow schools to decide whether to turn these services on or off for certain groups of teachers and students. Every organization and community is different and so we give schools the power to configure tools as they wish to meet the unique needs of students and educators.

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